Starting from pin electronic devices, device power supplies, and parameter measurement units, create high-performance semiconductor automation testing equipment

Hits:335 Pub Time:2023-04-21
Core Tip: In the semiconductor production process, a process that is easily overlooked and runs through the entire process of semiconductor design, manufacturing, and packaging is semiconductor testing, which measures the output response and expected output of semiconductors and compares them to determine or evaluate chip functionality and performance. Especially the more high-end and complex chips have a higher dependence on testing. According to the application division of semiconductor testing systems, the main sub areas of ATE applications are memory, SoC, analog, digital, discrete devices, and RF testing machines.

In the semiconductor production process, a process that is easily overlooked and runs through the entire process of semiconductor design, manufacturing, and packaging is semiconductor testing, which measures the output response and expected output of semiconductors and compares them to determine or evaluate chip functionality and performance. Especially the more high-end and complex chips have a higher dependence on testing. According to the application division of semiconductor testing systems, the main sub areas of ATE applications are memory, SoC, analog, digital, discrete devices, and RF testing machines. Regardless of the application, ATE usually needs to complete chip functional testing, DC parameter testing, and AC functional testing. Its principle is to apply input signals to the chip, collect the output signals of the tested chip and compare them with the expected values, determine the effectiveness of the chip's function and performance under different working conditions, and ensure that the product meets customer design, manufacturing requirements, and market demands in the corresponding chip manufacturing. This article is based on several typical product solutions of high-performance semiconductor provider Adi Semiconductor, and shares solutions designed to meet the main market demands.

The three major categories of scheme design cover the main ATE application requirements

Faced with these challenges, testing equipment developers urgently need cost-effective ATE solutions and look forward to high-quality testing coverage that can support more channels and test as many units as possible per unit time. The ATE devices we usually see include products such as advanced integrated pin electronic devices (PE), device power supplies (DPS), and parameter measurement units (PMUs).