Annual report observation: Domestic semiconductor equipment is about to take off

Hits:333 Pub Time:2023-04-21

In April, more semiconductor listed companies have successively disclosed their 2022 annual reports.

For the global semiconductor industry, 2022 is a year full of uncertainty - weak consumption has not yet bottomed out, industry development is constrained by geopolitical conflicts and inflation.

Therefore, 2022 is also a year of seeking certainty - strengthening the domestic supply chain of semiconductors has become a top priority for major countries, and semiconductor companies continue to increase their investment in new tracks such as automobiles and new energy.

What changes have taken place in the domestic semiconductor industry pattern in 2022, which is full of challenges and opportunities during such an industrial cycle? What progress has been made? What challenges are we facing?

Through the 2022 annual report, we may be able to glimpse the aforementioned changes in the domestic semiconductor industry. To this end, Xin Shiye has launched the "Annual Report Observation of Domestic Semiconductor Listed Enterprises" special topic, which is the first issue, mainly focusing on domestic semiconductor equipment listed enterprises.

At present, over 10 A-share semiconductor equipment companies have disclosed their 2022 annual reports, performance reports, or performance forecasts. The significant increase in revenue and record high orders have become high-frequency words and keywords in these annual reports, performance reports, and performance forecasts.

Among them, multiple A-share semiconductor equipment companies saw net profit growth of over 100%, including Zhongwei Company, Tuojing Technology, Xinyuan Micro, Shengmei Shanghai, Northern Huachuang, Huahai Qingke, and others.

In addition, multiple semiconductor equipment companies have stated that they have ample orders in hand, providing guarantees for subsequent performance growth. Among them, the new orders signed by Zhongwei Company in 2022 increased by over 50% year-on-year; Tuojing Technology's new orders increased by 95% year-on-year; Xinyuan Micro stated that the previous adhesive coating and development machines have gradually started to increase in volume, and will usher in a turning point in the growth of batch orders.

For the reason for the significant increase in revenue, multiple semiconductor equipment companies have mentioned the increasing demand for equipment in the domestic semiconductor industry and the continuous increase in product market share.

In this regard, Dongwu Securities believes that domestic semiconductor equipment companies have a certain accumulation of advanced process equipment technology in fields such as thin film deposition, etching, quantity/detection, CMP, cleaning, etc. In the context of overseas sanctions and upgrades, the logic of semiconductor equipment import substitution continues to strengthen, and it is expected that wafer factories will accelerate the introduction of domestic equipment. The increase in semiconductor equipment localization rate in 2023 is expected to exceed market expectations. In addition, the expected upward revision of production expansion and the approaching inflection point of the industry are expected to accelerate the demand for semiconductor equipment in 2024.